May 8, 2001
Glad to read about
my old stomping grounds...I have many pleasant memories of WKBR.
I'm know a retired assistant vice chancellor of the University
of Illinois.
Any attempt to
cover my wanderings from a radio "personality"? to an assistant
vice chancellor at a major university would be futile. Let's just
say that my many and varied experiences and interests served me
well over the years.
Also I was fortunate
to have been on an active university campus during the heydays
of Vietnam and civil rights protests, and the emergence of the
women's and environmental movements. I had a front row seat as
I was appointed by the chancellor to confront, and attempt to
negotiate with, massive protests, often very violent. In fact,
I've written a book about that period and hope it will be published
As to an interesting
memory - there were so many, but I'll mention one. Leo Cloutier,
the sports edotor of the Manchester Union-Leader, broadcasted
sports news every night on WKBR. His sponsor was Cott beverages
(as I recall). The Cott ad always started with a jolting blast
of music, I suppose as a way of grabbing a listener's attention.
During one of Leo's broadcasts I foolishly decided to crank up
the ad as Leo rattled off the latest on the Red Sox game. The
blast came through his earphones as he spoke rapidly. Between
errors and runs, Leo's "Jesus Christ" came so quickly that no
one apparently heard it, or if they had, they didn't believe it.
Anyway I avoided Leo for some time after.
I always enjoyed
working for WKBR, and I'm pleased that it continues to fill the
airways. My best to everyone there. Next time I'm in town I'll
stop by to say "hello"..
John Scouffas